dimanche 15 décembre 2013

#DIY - CHRISTMAS JAM ¤ Confiture de Noël

Hello my dear!

First, I'm sorry for my lack of news lately! I was drawning at work and it's been several week ends I was away (Metz, Lyon, Paris, cooking blog fair, etc.). I'm hoping you'll forgive me!
I have a lot to write about! I have to get back to feed my baby blog!

December is here and Christmas is coming too fast!
I love making little treats, chocolats, biscuits, etc. at this time of year (and the rest of the year too ;)!)

I wanted to create a Christmas jam. I wanted to share my own little recipe on this blog (and I also made a Youtube video).

French version : Confiture de Noël

Ingredients for 4 big jars:
800ml apple juice (100% pure squeezed)
650g jam sugar
2 cloves
1 cardamome seed
1 teaspoon of vanilla (or pod)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon (or a stick)
80 g of dried pears
80g dried apricots
50g dried figs
50g dates
15g candied orange peel
100g almond (or hazelnut or 50/50) roasted
NB: If you do not like any of the ingredients, you can always substitute it!
The possibilities are endless!

1/ Mix the apple juice with the sugar in a pan or any container you'll like to use and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. When the liquid is boiling, add the spices for about 10 minutes (away from the heat).
After, this time, withdraw the gloves, cardamone, stick, pod...

2/ Add the dried fruits and nuts (mixed a little). Start the heat again between medium and high, leave for about 10 minutes, stirring (be careful not to burn the jam ;) !)

3/ You can leave the jam like that or you can blend the jam to have a smoother texture. I prefer to blend it, not completely. It's quite nice to have little pieces in the jam!

4/ Then test for setting. If setting point has not been reached, boil for 5 minutes more, then test again. Pour into warm sterilised jars and cover immediately.

How to test jam for setting

Test for setting by spooning a small amount onto a chilled saucer. Chill for 3 minutes, the push the jam with your finger; if wrinkles form on the surface, it is ready.

You just have to enjoy this wonderful jam !

Hope you'll have a great week end!



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