Au cours du week-end de Pâques, j'ai effectué un rapide retour dans la ville rose.
During the Easter week-end, I had a quick road trip to the "pink city".
Petit séjour auprès d'une de mes plus proches amies, flashback sur la majeure partie de mes années étudiantes...Retrouver la ville tout de rose coloré m'a rempli de souvenirs et de plaisir. Se balader tranquillement dans les rues, profiter avec simplicité le temps d'un instant d'un autre rythme et style de vie.
Voici quelques clichés de ces magnifiques journées ensoleillées qui font autant de bien aux yeux qu'au moral!
Quick trip with one of my closest friends, throwback on most of my college years...Meet again with all this "pink" architecture filled me with memories and fun. Nicely walking through the streets, enjoying the simply things for a moment in a different pace and lifestyle.
Here are some pictures of these gorgeous sunny days that are as much good for the eyes as for the mind !
Quick trip with one of my closest friends, throwback on most of my college years...Meet again with all this "pink" architecture filled me with memories and fun. Nicely walking through the streets, enjoying the simply things for a moment in a different pace and lifestyle.
Here are some pictures of these gorgeous sunny days that are as much good for the eyes as for the mind !
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