Pour l'amour des ballerines...
For the love of ballerinas shoes...
Repetto est LA marque des ballerines. Elle m'évoque grâce et légèreté. Fabriqués en France, la créatrice Rose Repetto a crée ses célèbres chaussons en 1947 dans un atelier tout proche de l'Opéra National de Paris. Puis, en 1956, à la demande de Brigitte Bardot, Rose crée les ballerines Cendrillon.
Les Cendrillons est l'un des modèles mythiques de la marque. Le chausson est décolletée jusqu'à la naissance des orteils. Les chaussures sont réglables avec un lacet en coton qui fait son célèbre noeud. Les Cendrillons ont un talon en cuir de 10 mm. Issu du savoir-faire danse, le "cousu retourné" est un procédé unique de fabrication mis au point par Madame Rose Repetto. Il est utilisé pour la confection de tous les chaussons et chaussures. La semelle est cousue à l’envers avant d’être retournée, apportant confort et souplesse inégalés.
L'autre version de la Cendrillon est la Camille qui est avec un petit talon carré de 3 cm.
La particularité des chaussures de luxe et notamment, des ballerines Repetto sont leur fragilité. En effet, plus une paire est luxueuse et sophistiquée, plus la semelle est fine, délicate et nécessite un entretien particulier. Lorsque j'ai acheté mes Repetto, j'étais un peu déçue qu'aucun conseil ne soit prodigué en boutique. Sur le site, quelques conseils sont donnés pour entretenir le cuir ou le tissu mais rien sur la semelle (en cuir) alors j'ai eu envie de partager quelques conseils et astuces pour garder le plus longtemps nos jolis souliers!
Quatre règles de base pour prendre soin de vos chaussures
- Faire poser un patin sous vos ballerines
Comme je le disais, la semelle des chaussures de luxe sont d'une grande finesse, il est donc essentiel de poser un patin. Le patin permet de protéger la semelle en cuir de l'usure et de l'humidité, d'apporter un comfort à la marche et une action antidérapante.
Un grand débat anime les amateurs de chaussures: poser le patin avant ou après avoir porter les chaussures. Personnellement, je pense qu'il vaut mieux poser le patin avant de les porter. En effet, sur les deux paires de Repetto que j'ai acheté, j'avais tellement hâte de les porter que j'ai chaussé mes Camille pour une sortie. Quelle erreur! La semelle a commencé à s'affaisser, présente des aspérités et de ce fait, la pose du patin est un peu moins optimale.
Si vous cherchez une bonne adresse sur Paris, je vous conseille Norbert Bottier au 164 avenue de Suffren dans le 15ème arrondissement de Paris. J'ai découvert récemment sa boutique toute en authenticité et chaleur. Norbert est d'excellents conseils pour l'entretien des chaussures et son travail est de grande qualité. Pour la pose des patins, comptez 24€ et une petite semaine de délai.
Petite surprise: Norbert vous offre une remise de 5% en venant de ma part!
- Ne jamais les porter deux jours de suite
Je suis fidèle à cette règle depuis une dizaine d'années et j'ai vu la différence sur mes chaussures. Le cuir est une matière vivante qui a besoin de sécher et s'aérer. Alterner ses chaussures permet de mieux les préserver et de les user moins vite.
Pour les Repetto, je pense que 48h n'est pas de trop pour les faire respirer.
- Lait de nettoyage spécial cuir, imperméabilisant, cirages, etc.
Nettoyer, entretenir les tissus et peaux sont des étapes importantes. Vous pouvez trouver de bons produits chez Norbert Bottier, au BHV et autres grands magasins.
- En cas de pluie
La pluie n'est pas la meilleure amie de nos souliers...Il est essentiel de les faire sécher avant de les ranger. Les sources de chaleur (radiateurs, cheminées, etc.) sont à bannir, l'air libre doit faire son travail. Le mieux est de caler le plus possible les chaussures à la verticale.
Mon petit plus? J'aime conserver du papier de soie ou du papier craft froissé afin que les chaussures conservent leur forme et que l'humidité soit bien absorbée.
Repetto's ballerinas are shoes that made me dream. I've never done ballet but this brand is fascinating for many little girls - or less little!
Repetto is THE brand of ballerinas. It reminds me of grace and lightness. Manufactured in France, the founder Rose Repetto created her famous ballerinass in 1947 in a nearby workshop of the Opéra National of Paris. Then in 1956, at the request of Brigitte Bardot, Rose creates the Cinderella ballet flats.
Cinderellas is one of the legendary models of the brand. The shoes are open just to the birth of the toes. They are adjustable with a cotton lace that made its famous node. Cinderellas have a 10 mm leather heel. From the dancing expertise, the "stitch and return" is a unique manufacturing process developed by Madame Rose Repetto. It's is used to make all the pointe shoes and shoes. The sole is stitched inside out before being returned, bringing comfort and unmatched flexibility.
The other version of Cinderella is Camille's with a small 3 cm square heel.
The peculiarity of luxury shoes, including, Repetto ballerinas are their fragility. Indeed, more a pair is luxurious and sophisticated, more the sole is thin, delicate and requires special care. When I bought my Repetto, I was a little disappointed that no advice was given in the shop. On the site, a few tips are given to maintain the leather or fabric but nothing on the (leather) sole so I wanted to share some tips and tricks to keep as long as possible our pretty shoes!
As I said, the luxury shoe soles are of great delicacy, so it is essential to pose a pad. The pad can protect the leather sole from wear and humidity, provide comfort for walking and non-slip action.
A great debate anime shoe lovers: pose the pad before or after wearing a bit the shoes. I personally think it is better to set the pad before wearing your shoes. Indeed, off the two pairs of Repetto I bought, I could not wait to wear one of them so I wore my Camille for a night out. What a mistake! The sole has begun to sag, has asperities and thus the laying of the pad is somewhat less optimal.
If you are looking for a good parisian address, I advise you to Norbert Bottier 164 avenue de Suffren in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. I recently discovered his shop which is all in authenticity and warmth. Norbert has excellent advice for shoe care and his work is high quality.
For pads, it will cost 24€ and a short week to wait before wearing your new babies.
I am faithful to this rule for ten years now and I have seen the difference on my shoes. Leather is a living material that needs to dry and ventilate. Alternate your shoes helps to preserve them for a longer period of time.
For Repettos, I think 48 hours is not too much to let them breathe.
Clean, maintain tissues and leathers are important steps.
The rain is not our shoes' BFF...It's essential to dry the shoes before storing them again. The heat sources (heaters, fireplaces, etc.) need to be banished, ambiant air must do its job. Best to stall them as much as possible vertically.
My little extra tips? I like to keep tissue paper or crumpled craft paper so that the shoes retain their shape and the humidity is well absorbed.
Repetto is THE brand of ballerinas. It reminds me of grace and lightness. Manufactured in France, the founder Rose Repetto created her famous ballerinass in 1947 in a nearby workshop of the Opéra National of Paris. Then in 1956, at the request of Brigitte Bardot, Rose creates the Cinderella ballet flats.
Cinderellas is one of the legendary models of the brand. The shoes are open just to the birth of the toes. They are adjustable with a cotton lace that made its famous node. Cinderellas have a 10 mm leather heel. From the dancing expertise, the "stitch and return" is a unique manufacturing process developed by Madame Rose Repetto. It's is used to make all the pointe shoes and shoes. The sole is stitched inside out before being returned, bringing comfort and unmatched flexibility.
The other version of Cinderella is Camille's with a small 3 cm square heel.
The peculiarity of luxury shoes, including, Repetto ballerinas are their fragility. Indeed, more a pair is luxurious and sophisticated, more the sole is thin, delicate and requires special care. When I bought my Repetto, I was a little disappointed that no advice was given in the shop. On the site, a few tips are given to maintain the leather or fabric but nothing on the (leather) sole so I wanted to share some tips and tricks to keep as long as possible our pretty shoes!
Four basic rules to take care of your shoes
- Pose a pad under your ballerinas
As I said, the luxury shoe soles are of great delicacy, so it is essential to pose a pad. The pad can protect the leather sole from wear and humidity, provide comfort for walking and non-slip action.A great debate anime shoe lovers: pose the pad before or after wearing a bit the shoes. I personally think it is better to set the pad before wearing your shoes. Indeed, off the two pairs of Repetto I bought, I could not wait to wear one of them so I wore my Camille for a night out. What a mistake! The sole has begun to sag, has asperities and thus the laying of the pad is somewhat less optimal.
If you are looking for a good parisian address, I advise you to Norbert Bottier 164 avenue de Suffren in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. I recently discovered his shop which is all in authenticity and warmth. Norbert has excellent advice for shoe care and his work is high quality.
For pads, it will cost 24€ and a short week to wait before wearing your new babies.
- Never wear them two days running
I am faithful to this rule for ten years now and I have seen the difference on my shoes. Leather is a living material that needs to dry and ventilate. Alternate your shoes helps to preserve them for a longer period of time.For Repettos, I think 48 hours is not too much to let them breathe.
- Special leather cleaning milk, waterproofing, polishes, etc.
Clean, maintain tissues and leathers are important steps.
- In case of rain
The rain is not our shoes' BFF...It's essential to dry the shoes before storing them again. The heat sources (heaters, fireplaces, etc.) need to be banished, ambiant air must do its job. Best to stall them as much as possible vertically.My little extra tips? I like to keep tissue paper or crumpled craft paper so that the shoes retain their shape and the humidity is well absorbed.
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