Si j'étais une mariée...Voilà bien des mots que je ne pensais pas un jour penser ou écrire. En effet, étant enfant, je ne me projetais pas en robe blanche mais plutôt en aventurière ou super héroïne. Nous étions donc bien loin de cet univers.
Le temps passe et une chose que j'aime par dessus tout avec le blog est de pouvoir explorer, créer et sortir de ma zone de confort et m'imaginer en mariée en faisait partie!
Alors, j'ai construit ce rêve avec mon côté fleur bleue et romantique. J'imaginais de la délicatesse, de l'élégance mais aussi une touche un peu moins conventionnelle. Si j'étais une mariée, j'aimerais que ce moment reflète toute ma personnalité, ne soit pas figé et surtout revêt une touche d'originalité.
Dans mon rêve, je porterai une robe que je pourrais remettre après ce jour si symbolique (une création de chez Delphine Manivet, par exemple), je porterai des sandales un brin retro à bout ouvert et surtout, je choisirai mes accessoires chez OGGI.
Les bijoux que je porte sont juste sublimes. Les boucles d'oreilles en cristal sont lumière et élégance. Longues, elles habillent parfaitement le port de tête et jouent à chaque mouvement de tête.
Les bagues me font également complètement craquer. Sur la main gauche, nous avons associé deux bagues en argent, zirconium et perles de culture: l'une dans les tons clairs et l'autres dans les tons rosés. Ces deux bagues représentent le toi et le moi qui s'unissent. Sur la main droite, une bague plus massive et dont la structure est comme de la dentelle a trouvé sa place. Elle amène du caractère et une touche inattendue. Sur une structure en argent, nous retrouvons du zirconium et de l'améthyste qui reprend le violet du bouquet et celui de mes cheveux.
Alors, un jour, moi aussi j'aimerais dire oui et me perdre dans le regard de cet autre où je n'imagine ni mon présent, ni mon futur sans lui.
MINELLI - Sandales / Sandals
ASOS - Robe / Dress
OGGI - Boucles d'Oreilles / Earrings
OGGI - Bagues / Rings
If I were a bride...These are words that I did not think one day think or write. Indeed, being a child, I did not project myself in a white dress but rather as an adventurer or super heroine. So we were far from this universe.
Time passes and one thing I love above all with the blog is to be able to explore, create and go outside of my comfort zone and imagine myself as a bride was part of it!
So I built this dream with my romantic flower inside. I imagined the delicacy, the elegance but also a touch a little less conventional. If I were a bride, I would like this moment to reflect all my personality, not frozen and above all a touch of originality.
In my dream, I will wear a dress that I could wear again after this day so symbolic (a creation by Delphine Manivet, for example), I will choose kinda vintage inspired open toe sandals and especially, I will choose my accessories at OGGI.
The jewels I'm wearing are just sublime. Crystal earrings are light and elegant. Long, they dress perfectly the face and play with each movement of head.
I also fell in love with the rings. On the left hand, we have associated two rings in silver, zirconium and pearl culture: one in light tones and the other in pink tones. These two rings represent the you and the me who become one. On the right hand, a ring more massive and whose structure is like lace found its place. It brings personnality and an unexpected touch. On a silver structure, we find zirconium and amethyst that takes up the violet of the bouquet and that of my hair.
So, one day, I too would like to say yes and lose myself in the look of this other where I do not imagine my present or my future without him.
Time passes and one thing I love above all with the blog is to be able to explore, create and go outside of my comfort zone and imagine myself as a bride was part of it!
So I built this dream with my romantic flower inside. I imagined the delicacy, the elegance but also a touch a little less conventional. If I were a bride, I would like this moment to reflect all my personality, not frozen and above all a touch of originality.
In my dream, I will wear a dress that I could wear again after this day so symbolic (a creation by Delphine Manivet, for example), I will choose kinda vintage inspired open toe sandals and especially, I will choose my accessories at OGGI.
The jewels I'm wearing are just sublime. Crystal earrings are light and elegant. Long, they dress perfectly the face and play with each movement of head.
I also fell in love with the rings. On the left hand, we have associated two rings in silver, zirconium and pearl culture: one in light tones and the other in pink tones. These two rings represent the you and the me who become one. On the right hand, a ring more massive and whose structure is like lace found its place. It brings personnality and an unexpected touch. On a silver structure, we find zirconium and amethyst that takes up the violet of the bouquet and that of my hair.
So, one day, I too would like to say yes and lose myself in the look of this other where I do not imagine my present or my future without him.
cette tenue te va à ravir, tu es sublime.
RépondreSupprimerJ'espère qu'un jour ce rêve deviendra réel
Tu es radieuse ma chérie ❤️