Premier bilan de mes nouvelles routines.
First update on my new routines.
Six semaines plus tard, je me suis dit qu'il était temps de revenir dessus et de faire un petit débriefe de ce que j'ai mis en place, mes impressions, etc.
Tout d'abord, je pense qu'il est important de se féliciter lorsqu'on a tenu et que l'on veut encore tenir ses engagements! J'ai respecté le rythme "sportif" que j'avais décidé c'est-à-dire des séances de 20-30 minutes au moins trois fois par semaine. Il est arrivé, la vie oblige, de m'adapter. Par exemple, certains jours, je n'ai pas pu faire ma séance mais dans tous les cas, je compensais - généralement par de la marche. On connait tous des jours où la motivation nous échappe et où l'envie d'enfiler sa tenue de sport est une corvée. Dans ces moments-là, je me disais "Quels sont les contres à que tu fasses ta séance?"...Essayez...aucune raison n'est valable! Et lorsqu'on fait sa séance malgré l'envie de procrastination, on se sent doublement fier(e)!
Je vous ai expliqué dans mon précédent article que j'allais puiser dans les vidéos de de Lucy Whydam Read avec cette première vidéo Simple At Home Workout qui m'a permis de redémarrer sur des "basiques". Pour ce qui est du yoga, j'ai suivi la vidéo Yoga for Complete Beginners d'Adriene.
La première semaine a été difficile - niveau fitness car j'avais perdu un peu de mon endurance. C'est fou comme en 3/4 mois, nos capacités peuvent régresser. Une fois le cap passé, les séances ont été plus facile à réaliser et le plaisir davantage au rendez-vous.
J'ai constaté des résultats mesurables au bout de quatre semaines. Par exemple, j'ai perdu des centimètres au niveau de la taille (4 cm), des cuisses (1 cm) et des bras (1 cm). Mesurer son avancée permet d'entretenir sa motivation et persévérance. Cela permet aussi de s'ancrer dans un mouvement bien réel.
Mes débuts en yoga m'ont particulièrement émus la semaine dernière où j'ai pris une autre conscience et où, après ma session, mon corps s'est exprimé différemment. C'est à ce moment où j'ai vraiment saisi ce que le yoga signifiait et ce que cela me procurait. Même si j'avais fait par le passé des initiations en groupe, le faire seule m'a permis d'aller à mon rythme et de prendre le temps de créer mon propre chemin dans cette discipline.
Ce que j'aime énormément dans le discours d'Adriene est sa douceur et la manière dont sa voix accompagne les gestes, la confiance qu'elle transmet à travers ses vidéos afin que l'on fasse confiance nous-mêmes à nos ressentis. Aucune pression n'est ressentie et surtout, l'accent est mis sur notre découverte et notre progression personnelle.
Le yoga a réveillé mon corps sous une autre dimension. Les sensations sont différentes et j'ai pris conscience de certaines douleurs que j'occultais, de certaines positions que j'avais dans mon quotidien ou mouvements que je faisais. Par exemple, se baisser en tirant sur son dos plutôt que de se servir de ses jambes, ne pas se tenir droite, etc. Le blogging ne favorise pas non plus des positions très favorables. Scotchée à mon ordi à mon bureau ou dans mon canapé, je suis souvent courbée ou recroquevillée sur mon PC. J'ai commencé à réfléchir à d'autres postures qui seraient plus adaptées et plus douces.
J'ai aussi trouver un nouveau sommeil. Je n'avais pas forcément de "gros troubles" mais je tourne moins la nuit et même si je me réveille une fois au cours de la nuit, je me rendors plus facilement.
J'ai aussi trouver un nouveau sommeil. Je n'avais pas forcément de "gros troubles" mais je tourne moins la nuit et même si je me réveille une fois au cours de la nuit, je me rendors plus facilement.
Le yoga m'a aussi appris à davantage me "grandir" dans tous les sens du terme. Dans nos positions ou certains mouvements, il est important de s'ouvrir tant mentalement que physiquement. Je ne sais pas si ce que je vais écrire sera très clair mais c'est intimement lié à une expérience personnelle. On sent sa peau se détendre, l'air passer dans certaines zones de son corps, etc. On prend tout simplement davantage de place dans l'espace mais surtout on se construit un autre schéma corporel. Le buste est plus large, la tête plus haute, bref, on arrête de faire la tortue et on laisse tout son corps respirer et se détendre. C'est un peu comme les pétales d'une rose qui vont progressivement éclore. Je pense que c'est l'image la plus parlante que je peux vous donner.
Prenons cet élan et surtout accueillons chaque nouveau jour.
At the end of December, I published "Starting our resolutions before the new year" because I wanted to share some changes in my daily life - and that when you want to change, we don't necessarily need to wait for January 1st!
Six weeks later, I thought it was time to have a little update of what I have set up and my impressions about everything.
First, I think it's important to congratulate ourlseves when you accomplished and still go on with what you wanted to do! I did the work-out sessions I decided to do, sessions of 20-30 minutes, at least three times a week. Life happened and sometimes I needed to adapt myself. For example, some days I couldn't have my session but in any case, I made up - usually by walking. We all have these days when motivation is at it lowest point and where the urge to change into our work-out clothes is a chore. In those moments, I was like "What are the cons for you to do your session?" ...Try reason is valid! And when you're doing your work-out despite the urge to procrastinate, you feel doubly proud!
I explained in my previous posy that I was going to follow the Lucy Whydam Read videos and I started with this first video Simple At Home Workout which allowed me to restart on "basics". In terms of yoga, I followed Yoga for Complete Beginners by Adriene.
The first week was tough - fitness level because I lost some of my endurance. Amazing how in 3/4 months, our capabilities can regress. Once past this cap, the sessions were easier to perform and more enjoyable.
I saw measurable results after four weeks. For example, I've lost centimeters around the waist (4 cm), thighs (1 cm) and arms (1 cm). Measure our progress allows to keep our motivation and perseverance. This also helps to be in a real motion.
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Six weeks later, I thought it was time to have a little update of what I have set up and my impressions about everything.
First, I think it's important to congratulate ourlseves when you accomplished and still go on with what you wanted to do! I did the work-out sessions I decided to do, sessions of 20-30 minutes, at least three times a week. Life happened and sometimes I needed to adapt myself. For example, some days I couldn't have my session but in any case, I made up - usually by walking. We all have these days when motivation is at it lowest point and where the urge to change into our work-out clothes is a chore. In those moments, I was like "What are the cons for you to do your session?" ...Try reason is valid! And when you're doing your work-out despite the urge to procrastinate, you feel doubly proud!
I explained in my previous posy that I was going to follow the Lucy Whydam Read videos and I started with this first video Simple At Home Workout which allowed me to restart on "basics". In terms of yoga, I followed Yoga for Complete Beginners by Adriene.
The first week was tough - fitness level because I lost some of my endurance. Amazing how in 3/4 months, our capabilities can regress. Once past this cap, the sessions were easier to perform and more enjoyable.
I saw measurable results after four weeks. For example, I've lost centimeters around the waist (4 cm), thighs (1 cm) and arms (1 cm). Measure our progress allows to keep our motivation and perseverance. This also helps to be in a real motion.
I started in yoga have particularly get me emotionaly last week when I had another consciousness after my session...My body expressed itself differently. That's when I really understood what yoga meant and what it gave me. Although I had done in the past group initiations, doing it alone allowed me to go at my own pace and take the time to create my own path in this discipline.
What I really love in Adriene's speech is her softness and the way her voice guiding the moves, the confidence she gives through her videos so that we would trust ourselvesino our sensations. No pressure is put above all, the focus is on our personal discovery and progression.
Yoga has awakened my body in another dimension. The sensations are different and I became aware of some pain I didn't feel, or some of postures or moves I had in my daily routine. For example, by pulling down on the back rather than use the legs, do not stand straight, etc. Blogging isn't my BFF eaither. Working on my computer for hours, I often bent or curled up on my laptop. I began to think about other postures that may be better and softer.
I also find a new sleep. I didn't necessarily had "big sleeping problems" but I have a deeper sleep and even if I wake up once during the night, I go back to sleep more easily.
Yoga also taught me to "grow" myself in every sense of the word. In our positions or moves, it's important to open up both mentally and physically. I don't know if my words will make any sense but it's deeply related to a personal experience. We can feel our skin relax, the oxygen in certain areas of the body, etc. We simply takes more space in space but mostly we built another body image. The chest is larger, the head higher, in short, stop doing the turtle and allow the body to breathe and relax. It's a bit like the petals of a rose that will gradually blossom. I think this is the most vivid picture I can give you.
Let's keep walking on this journey and especially welcome every new day.
What I really love in Adriene's speech is her softness and the way her voice guiding the moves, the confidence she gives through her videos so that we would trust ourselvesino our sensations. No pressure is put above all, the focus is on our personal discovery and progression.
Yoga has awakened my body in another dimension. The sensations are different and I became aware of some pain I didn't feel, or some of postures or moves I had in my daily routine. For example, by pulling down on the back rather than use the legs, do not stand straight, etc. Blogging isn't my BFF eaither. Working on my computer for hours, I often bent or curled up on my laptop. I began to think about other postures that may be better and softer.
I also find a new sleep. I didn't necessarily had "big sleeping problems" but I have a deeper sleep and even if I wake up once during the night, I go back to sleep more easily.
Yoga also taught me to "grow" myself in every sense of the word. In our positions or moves, it's important to open up both mentally and physically. I don't know if my words will make any sense but it's deeply related to a personal experience. We can feel our skin relax, the oxygen in certain areas of the body, etc. We simply takes more space in space but mostly we built another body image. The chest is larger, the head higher, in short, stop doing the turtle and allow the body to breathe and relax. It's a bit like the petals of a rose that will gradually blossom. I think this is the most vivid picture I can give you.
Let's keep walking on this journey and especially welcome every new day.
i like your shape it's a new beginning !